Once again into the breachFriend George from
Fool in the Forest has challenged me to retake the book quiz. It seems the version of it I had participated in
previously was not complete.
I've rethought some of my answers, so I'll just start over.
1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be?Has anyone ever chosen Fahrenheit 451? Seems the ultimate post-modern answer. I don't think I'd mind living inside The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. Get to meet a Golem at the very least.
2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? I was a bit flippant and vague in answering this the last time. I would share George's love of Cyrano's Roxanne, and I might also give mention to Nora Charles. Hammett's wisecracking, hard drinking Thin Man character, on the page or as portrayed by Myrna Loy in the film series.
3. The last book you bought was...? As a gift to my niece, but with every intention of borrowing it back, Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation.
4. The last book you read was...? John Dunning's newest Cliff Janeway mystery, The Sign of the Book
5. What are you currently reading? Still working on Fortress of Solitude
6. Five books you would take to a desert island... The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Never ceases to amuse.
Stranger in a Strange Land. Heinlein was one of the things that hooked me on reading.
A good book of photography. It would be hard to choose just one, but if I had to, I would go with Edward Weston.
Not wanting to bow to peer pressure, but a Complete Shakespeare would be necessary.
And finally, the Library of American edition of Raymond Chandler. It's poetry for the rest of us.
7. Who are you passing this stick on to and why?I'll toss it to friend Bridget who does not yet blog, but maybe this will inspire her.
There now George, satisfied?